
How Telma’s husband helped her to Demand More from her life with MS

Read how, with the help of her husband, Telma redefined her perception of what life with MS means for her

Two’s company—how Barbara and Joao share their MS journeys with their loved ones

MS One to One advisors Barbara and Joao discuss how they share their MS journeys with the people important to them

Learning about your MS

MS community members Jacobo and Barbara highlight the importance of using trusted websites for information after an MS diagnosis.

4 people, 4 different MS symptoms: Understanding a unique disease

Our four wonderful advisors have shared how their MS symptoms have affected their everyday life and how they have overcome these obstacles.

8 ways to manage memory gaps and cognitive problems

Read how Charlotte deals with the cognitive symptoms of her MS.

5 tips to avoid brain fog

Brain fog is a tough thing to deal with. Our esteemed advisor Birgit shares her top 5 tips for combatting brain fog to improve quality of life.

Making best use of the MS community

Learn how to join, engage with, and make the most of the community of people living with multiple sclerosis (MS).

Getting the best out of telemedicine

Explore the opportunities that come with telemedicine and discover tips and tricks to help you navigate and get to grips with your virtual...

Understanding the MS diagnosis process

Joao Medeiros talks us through his own MS diagnosis story and gives his advice on how understanding the MS diagnosis process can help on your journey with MS.

My own revolution – or how to find your self-confidence

Birgit Bauer tells us the story of the revolution she had from living with MS and gives her advice on finding your self-confidence.

How to advocate for yourself during appointments

Jacobo Santamarta Barral shares his advice on how to advocate for yourself during MS appointments with your MS nurse or neurologist.

Taking your first steps into adulthood with MS

Learn about taking the next steps into adulthood with MS. Finding the right path for you whilst navigating a new world of chronic illness.